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Philodendron White Knight


Common name/s: Philodendron White Knight, Philodendron Spartacus Philodendron hybrid Another stunning Philodendron hybrid featuring bright-white and green variegated leaves. Unlike the similar looking White Princess, White Knight is a climbing plant and will appreciate a moss pole or stake. Bright indirect light is essential to maintain the high levels of variegation. Avoid overwatering as this may lead to browning on the white areas of the leaves. White Princess vs White Wizard vs White Knight There are a number of features that will help you differentiate between these popular white variegated Philodendrons. The leaves of the White Princess are long and...

Syngonium 'Frosted Heart'



Common name/s: Syngonium 'Frosted Heart', Arrowhead Plant Syngonium macrophyllum 'Frosted Heart' Syngonium 'Frosted Heart' is cultivated for its big, leathery leaves and its frosty white variegation. The veins of the leaves stay mostly green, and the subtle white variegation is concentrated around the veins. As such, it resembles the frost around the edges of a window. Every crevice of the leaf seems to hold a little tinge of white.This plant, like other aroids, is a hemiepiphyte, meaning it spends part of its life growing on and up other plants. To mimic its natural growth from the forest floor to the...

Syngonium Confetti Tricolour


Common name/s: Syngonium Confetti Tricolour Syngonium podophyllum We have a small number of these prized collector Syngoniums! This plant features patches and speckles of dark green on the usual pink and light green Confetti. Higher light conditions will enhance the dark green, while lower light will enhance the pink.   

Maranta 'Silver Band'


Common name/s: Maranta 'Silver Band', Prayer Plant Maranta leuconeura 'Silver Band' This gorgeous variety of Maranta with a wide band of silver down the middle of the leaf. Like all 'Prayer Plants' the leaves fold up at night as if in prayer. This is a very easy to grow house plant in a bright window. This is a non-issue culture plant!

Begonia 'Silver Jewell'


Common name/s: Begonia Silver Jewell Begonia pustulata x Begonia imperialis Begonia 'Silver Jewell' (yes, that is the correct spelling!) is a stunning cultivar that features finely puckered, metallic silver leaves with contrasting radiant green markings. Fine hair covers its foliage, giving this plant a beautiful sparkling look as well as a wonderful, velvety feel. This Begonia is a beauty that will stand out in every plant lover's collection! Begonia 'Silver Jewell' is a hybrid of Begonia pustulata and Begonia imperialis. Deservedly, this stunner has won the Award of Garden Merit of the Royal Horticultural Society. And as if the beauty...

Alocasia Jacklyn


Common name/s: Alocasia Jacklyn Alocasia sulawesi Alocasia Jacklyn is thought to be a mutation of Alocasia Portei and is native to the island of Sulawesi (Indonesia), where it grows in the mountain forests. It is also referred to as Alocasia Sulawesi since "Jacklyn" is not an official name. Alocasia Jacklyn has a stunning vibrant green leaves, contrasting dark deep veins running through it and striped stems. This rare Alocasia is easy to care for, following basic Alocasia care requirements of bright, indirect light, a well-draining potting mix that holds some moisture.

Philodendron 69686 'Big Ears'


Common name/s: Philodendron Big Ears, Philodendron 69686 This is a highly sought-after Philodendron features large tri-lobed hourglass-shaped leaves. These plants are currently in their juvenile form so the lobes not yet prominent. It is fast growing and reasonably easy care. The plant was known by its classification number 69686 while it had not been formally described, but is now known as Philodendron Big Ears. It is thought to be a natural hybrid. Care is similar to other tropical Philodendrons.

Philodendron Verrucosum


Common name/s: Philodendron Verrucosum Philodendron verrucosum Philodendron Verrucosum is a striking plant, known for its velvety, dark-green leaves with bright, light green veining once they reach maturity. The underside of their leaves, coloured a faded burgundy in between the veins, showcase its adaptability to its native tropical environments. Unlike many of its Philodendron cousins, this plant is hemiepiphytic, meaning that though they start their lives as epiphytes, clinging to trees, they eventually root themselves in the ground like most other plants.

Calathea Musaica


Common name/s: Calathea Musaica, Network Plant, Network Calathea Goeppertia kegeljanii (syn. Calathea musaica) Calathea Musaica is known for its mosaic structure and pattern of the leaves, making it a highly sought after and unique plant. The plant is still in the Marantaceae family and is a ‘prayer plant’ because its leaves are photophillic, meaning that they react strongly to the light and move up and down depending on light levels and the time of the day. It will enjoy bright indirect light. Avoid drying out too much between waterings.  

Alocasia Scalprum 'Samar Lance'


Common name/s: Alocasia Samar Lance Scientific name: Alocasia scalprum This rare jewel Alocasia features stunningly elongated, embossed leaves that are a distinct lance shape. Native to Samar Island in the Philippines, Scalprum's leaves start a light green and mature to a deep green with a slight blue hue. The mature leaves a uniquely thick and leathery. This is one that needs to be seen to be fully appreciated! It enjoys indirect light or a shaded spot. Avoid overwatering, especially in the cooler months. About Examine corresponding photo closely before selecting your plant. We recommend you have experience in caring for...

Syngonium Fantasy


Common name/s: Syngonium Fantasy, Syngonium Albo Variegata Syngonium podophyllum A must for the rare plant collector! This highly sought after Syngonium features arrow-shaped leaves with creamy-white variegation on a dark green background The variegation ranges from marbling to entire leaves! Like all Syngonium it enjoys bright indirect light. It dislikes excessive direct sunlight and drying out completely. Variegation varies between plants. A plant will be selected at random for each order.

Philodendron 'Painted Lady'


Common name: Painted Lady Philodendron erubescens cv. Painted Lady is a variegated climbing Philodendron popular among aroid collectors. It features bright pink petioles and chartreuse leaves. New leaves unfurl bright yellow-green before fading to a deeper mottled green. Painted Lady loves to climb, and will produce ever-larger leaves when growing onto a support such as a trellis or moss pole. This cultivar has plenty of personality, providing a pop of bright color to any space. Care should include bright indirect light and well-draining soil.

Philodendron Gloriosum


Common name/s: Philodendron Gloriosum Philodendron gloriosum  This stunning plant is near the top of many plant addict's wish list. A terrestrial Philodendron from Central and South America, its crawls across the rainforest floor. It features large, velvety, heart-shaped leaves with distinctive cream-white veins. This plant enjoys bright indirect light, high humidity and a well-draining growing medium.

Epipremnum Aureum 'Manjula'


Common name/s: Manjula Pothos Epipremnum aureum This rare variant of Epipremnum is a collector favourite. It features large, heart-shaped leaves with distinctive curly edges. It is distinguished by its creamy-white variegation through the centre of the leaves and stems. This is in contrast to other variants that typically feature variegation on the leaf edges. This is a slow growing plant that requires bright indirect light to thrive. Avoid overwatering or wet leaves for prolonged periods as brown patches will quickly form. Given the right conditions it will form long vining stems.



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